WaVeritas aims to provide issuer and project managers with an independent and holistic view on bonds ESG performance and its impact framework. The assessment enables issuer to detect strength and weaknesses and to manage related opportunities and risks.
Bond Scorecard
The bond scorecard provides the reader with an objective view on the bonds stand towards material environmental, social and governance aspects. The assessment methodology was developed with reference to the voluntary ICMA best-practice guidelines for external reviews. The WaVeritas ESG Bond Scorecard provides a complementary view on the alignment of the financial product with relevant environmental, social and governance indicators, criteria and thresholds. The methodology references aspects of the frameworks ICMA green, social and sustainability bond principles and guidelines and the voluntary “EU Disclosure Standards for EU Green Bonds – 2023/2631”. However, the selected criteria, weighting and assessments contain also other aspects and thus represents an independent unbiased with on selected ESG factors.
Second Opinion / Verification
WaVeritas could assist issuer with an independent view on the bonds framework alignment with internal standards such as the ICMA Green Bond Principles or Social Bond Principles.
Framework Development
In early stages of the project, WaVeritas supports issuer to establish impact framework that algins with the project and the recognized principles.